For many of us as we move into this winter season, thoughts shift
toward holidays and celebrations. Whether you are celebrating Halloween or another day of commemoration, this time of year seems to
redirect our thought processes toward that season when schools are back in
session and holidays become special. For
those of us who celebrate a time for remembrance or giving thanks, we begin to reflect on the parts
of our lives that bring us joy and inspire our awe.
Several local chapters have graciously included me in their
chapter meetings since my move to Austin.
I have appreciated their hospitality and warmth: Joy. I have enjoyed
meeting with them, sharing in their enthusiasm, and experiencing new ways of
accomplishing Society purposes:
Awe. These are the women of DKG
- sharing joy and enthusiasm, inspiring awe in everyone they touch, and painting
daily in “real” colors the portrait of a key woman educator.
I am honored and grateful to be a member of Delta Kappa
Gamma. I realized shortly after my
initiation the greatness of this organization when I attended a state
convention and then an international convention. Of course, if I remember what
truly happened, I was "volunteered" to conduct workshops, be a table hostess, work as a page and fill any other job needed
at those conventions. Either way I remember it, I was fortunate: my mentor members did not let me sit idle for
long. They led me (or did they push me?) into activities at all levels of Society membership as soon as the
opportunity arose. I am just one example
of the impact that can result from mentoring and support.
Now that the Orientation and ReOrientation materials are
available to all chapters, potential members and even veteran members can easily see
the Big Picture and realize the EXPANSE of the Society and the HONOR of
membership. However, after the initiation is over and the refreshments have been cleared away, they
still need our support. As veteran members,
we sometimes also need to be reminded to be proud of who we are as educators, to realize the wonder of DKG, and to understand how we fit
into that Big Picture.
So, stand proud that you are a member of a Society of key
women educators and a part of a network of women who are making a difference
worldwide. Share that Big Picture with members, potential members, and everyone you meet. Come and bring a new member to New York in 2012. Now
that you have helped them see the Big Picture, help them experience it!