Around the world, the eve of the New Year always seems to
bring fireworks and celebrations. As the
light of the fireworks fades and the sun rises on New Year’s Day, we awaken
with excitement and enthusiasm about the coming year. As we look forward to our hopes and dreams
for 2012, it is time to let the fireworks fire us up about the work we face.
I believe this year will be an exciting one for me. My husband and I hope to find a permanent home in the
Austin area. I returned this month from the
holiday break with promise and determination. James has made tentative plans to move to the family ranch in Abilene if necessary until we find a place for us. At least he will be in the same state!
I believe this year will also be an exciting one for DKG. While
membership figures are still lagging, the Society is moving in a positive
direction in so many ways. However, we must continue to move forward into this
still new century with a presence that is both malleable and magnetic.
The fireworks are over, but let us not lose the fire. We
still have much work ahead of us as we shape 2012 into the greatest year of
all. Make your plans to be a part of it
and join us in New York City at International Convention in July.