When I think of all the associations in which I have held memberships over the years, I continue to be amazed at the many ways my membership in DKG offers value. I have often paid far higher dues for far less value and less engagement in other associations. And not that I did not benefit. I read the journals and utilized the websites for research. Sometimes I even attended a conference or convention.
Likewise in DKG, I have read the journals, utilized the website, and attended many conferences and conventions. But I also have chatted in the Social Network (free from the stress of public viewing!), made lifetime friends in my own backyard and around the world, furthered my education with the aid of scholarship money, developed my public speaking skills, learned about leadership, and put it all into practice in a comfortable environment. And, of course, I could go on.
What have you gained from your membership in DKG? What have you missed if you are not a member? I encourage you to step out and become involved- you'll be glad you did. Comment here or send me an email: let me know what you value most as a member of DKG.