My late mother always said "you get out of something what you put into it." I believe she was right. I just expanded my exercise routine to add a little interest and step up the intensity. I spent quite a bit of time researching the wide variety of programs available on CD, TV, DVD, at the Gym, in my home or even live streamed from somewhere else I may never go. If I had spent this much time
exercising, I would be fit again by now!
However, I realized suddenly that the most important factor is ME! I am, quite simply, going to get out of any program about what I put into it. It is not really as much about the program itself as it is about my commitment to it.

And so, I think, it is with DKG. Are you committed to the Purposes and mission of DKG? Would you count the women in your chapter as professional peers and
friends? Do you want to impact education worldwide in a positive way? Do you work alongside dedicated educators who care about the success of their students, whether young or adult? Then, what are you waiting for? Ask a fellow educator to join DKG. Get engaged in whatever way suits you best. Volunteer for the next project, step up to a leadership role, or log in to the communities through the DKG website or APP and network globally.
DKG is what you make it - so make it count for you today!