Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Best Gifts are Given Away

The holidays are a wonderful time of year!  The weather has turned cooler (of course, here in South Central Texas, that could just mean we can open the windows and turn the air conditioning off!), the sky is a deeper blue and the lights of the holiday decorations dance on the roof tops and trees around town.

And I have realized over the years that the best gifts are the ones I give away.  Xi Chapter TX
traditionally meets here at Society Headquarters every December for a holiday celebration and initiation.  We initiated two new members (one a fourth generation member!) and this year we all brought stuffed toys to be donated for the New Life Treatment Center here in Austin.  What a wonderful time and how special to know that our gifts would enrich the lives of others!

May your holidays be joyous and may your New Year bring peace and prosperity.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Be Someone's "Someone"

I love my job and the wonderful opportunity I have to meet people every day from around the world.  The amazing women who are DKG!  Today I chatted with DKG member and author, Dede Rittman.  We talked about the joys of teaching and the influence we each have on the world around us.  She has published a book providing insight for student teachers and is realizing in a real way how powerful words of encouragement can be.  Read more about her book and learn from her insights and experiences through her blog at http://www.bunnyteacher.blogspot.com/

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate in the U.S. this week, take a moment and think about this:  Has someone influenced you in a powerful and positive way? If so, have you said thank you?  And go ahead - play it forward today.  Be that someone for someone else. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

There's a Member in Membership

It's that time of year again.  Schools are back in session, the seasons are changing and, in fact, the holidays are quickly approaching.  As a member of DKG, you may be wondering who you might recommend for membership or perhaps you are already planning an initiation for your chapter.  Eligible and deserving women educators are all around you - in the schools, universities and other institutions of your communities. 

However, when the ceremony is over and you are celebrating new membership, remember there's a "member" in that word.  Studies show that most members and customers maintain a connection to an association or company because of personal relationships. We have so many avenues for maintaining personal connections these days - letters and phone are now joined by texting, email, and social media in various forms - that it breaks my heart to hear that members drop out of DKG because they do not feel connected to other members or do not feel a part of the chapter.  And, according to our surveys, they do just that for just that reason. 

So, whether by phone or Facebook, reach out to each other today.  Remember Purpose number 1?  It's about  "genuine spiritual fellowship" and it's important. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Outside Of the Box

Boxes can be a great way to secure items, keep them safe and transport them easily.  But boxes are also confining.  Boxes can also hide what is inside the box.  That can be good or ... sometimes not.

For example, I love the anticipation of a gift.  Beautifully boxed and wrapped.  I shake it and turn it and examine it in hopes of identifying what is inside.  Anticipation can be sheer joy.

But until the box is opened and the hidden contents are taken Outside Of the Box, the gift cannot truly be enjoyed.

So, open your box.  Expand your horizons.  Find ways to think outside of the box in your life and in your DKG chapter.  Here is one idea:  Arizona State Organization is hosting its Fall Conference at a tech high school where they will enjoy a delightful luncheon and breakfast prepared by the culinary students.  What a wonderful way to connect DKG with the community and school.

I just heard from a young educator in California who wants to connect with the chapter who mentored and supported her as a student teacher.  While she was not eligible for membership at that time, their relationship to her is paying off because she is now employed and ready to connect with them again - this time as a member.  Thanks to the great network of DKG members in California, I am confident she will be a member soon!

More to come...don't climb back in that box yet!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Just Share Your Excitement!

It's really about sharing your excitement - that's all.

Marketing can be such a frightening word to many people.  But it is really very simple:  when I was in the classroom, someone once shared a tip with me about a household cleaning product that would
clean my classroom's whiteboards to a polished shine.  It worked! And I was so excited that I told every teacher I knew about my new find!  Guess what?  I was marketing that product every time I told someone else about it.  And I was just sharing my excitement about a product that worked for me.

Are you excited about your membership in DKG?  Share that excitement with the world.  Those women who are eligible will be excited to learn more.  Those people who are not eligible may know others who are.

Carola is a member in The Netherlands who participated in the recent Golden Gift Leadership Management Seminar held in Austin, Texas.    She  attended a seminar held this month for educators in Europe.  She wrote "These are people from all over the world and I try to promote DKG."

Now, that's marketing!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Small Action: Big Effect

Every day I am reminded how little effort it really takes to impact the world around us.  I tend to think that to make an impact, I have to do something really big.  But, that simply is not true.  We have all pondered the idea that a simple smile and a kind word to a stranger can have a ripple effect beyond imagination.

Let’s apply that to marketing – and specifically, to marketing DKG.  We do not have to be a marketing expert to promote the Society we so appreciate!  Today I received an email (one of around 5 that I receive each week) from an educator interested in membership.  She wrote that she received a “kind note and a candy bar in [her] mailbox, welcoming new teachers to the district.”  While I am sure she felt welcomed, her deduction was that “Obviously the chapter is very active and I’m excited for the chance to join.”  This small act created an incredibly positive picture of DKG and the chapter. I do hope the chapter takes the chance (even if it is outside of the comfortable zone where we only invite women we know well) and invites her to join! Her initiative and ambition certainly show the potential of a key woman educator.

Speaking of taking a chance, a 70 year member recently told me a story about her reinstatement after losing track of DKG during the war years when she moved frequently with her husband who was a naval officer.  At that time, chapters were less open to the idea of reinstatement.  She read about the current initiative to reinstate members and, while recounting her membership experience since reinstatement in 1949, she wrote “I have been an active member ever since…I am thankful that the chapter was ahead of their time.”

So, you see, it may only be a small act in your view but the impact on someone else may be grand.  Take a small step out of the comfort zone and watch the ripples grow!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Back in Austin

What a wonderful convention in Indianapolis!  The 2014 International Convention was a wonderful time of genuine spiritual fellowship, Society business, professional development and personal growth.  We shopped the marketplace, broke bread together, engaged in thought-provoking discussion, heard inspiring speakers, learned from members' expertise, and enjoyed a wonderful stay at the JW Marriot Hotel.

I hope you were there, but if you were not able to attend - keep an eye on the Society website.  We hope to share the recording of the opening session which was live streamed during convention. I hope you can join us for a regional conference in 2015 - start making your plans now!

Monday, June 30, 2014

The In's and Out's of Marketing DKG

I just had a wonderful conversation with the DKG  California State Organization President, Judy Kearns, where we discussed the concept of marketing. We agreed that it seems we often forget that promoting DKG to our own members is just as vital as promoting this amazing Society to the community. After reflecting on this idea, Judy recently involved DKG leaders in California in the creation of marketing modules that could be used to remind members of the value of membership. During a recent state organization leadership training session, they created PowerPoint presentations, recommitment ceremonies and other tools to be used in chapters around the state. She encouraged them to visit other chapters and share the benefits of membership.

Do you remember why you joined?  Do you remember how special, how honored, you felt that day?  Take a walk down memory lane if you have been a member for a long time and reflect on the power of membership in DKG.  If you recently became a member, explore the benefits that come with membership in an international organization promoting excellence in education and developing innovative educators.  Find out what your membership offers you.  And then, remember to share that gift with other key women in your community. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wise Words from Across the Generations

This week, I enjoyed a lively panel discussion during the DKG Texas State Organization Convention where representatives from varied generations explored membership issues and challenges. Here are a few of the buzz words from the discussion that grabbed my attention:

Honor, opportunity, leadership training, grants, life-long learning, global connections, networking, collaboration, innovative thinking, foresight, international perspective, life-long friendships, conference/convention experiences, mentorship, recruiting through relationships, open meetings, connecting with the community, first year teacher grants, social media, student teacher relationships, promotion through video, connectivity.

Let your mind wander outside the box and see what develops...it may just be our next great idea!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Young California Members Share Insights about DKG Membership

Visit the DKG California State Organization website (Chi State)  and click on the box for the "Enlightening  Video of the Young DKG Members Panel Sharing Their Perspective During the Chi State Convention."   As six young panelists discuss membership in DKG you will laugh, you will cry and you will be inspired. The full video lasts a little over a half hour, but you will enjoy every minute!  Research shows the new generation of members and employees want engaging experiences with opportunities for leadership.

Check out the Chi State website and resources like the XYZ University for more ideas about attracting and engaging young members.  XYZ University CEO Sarah Sladek will be a keynote speaker at the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis - will you be there?

Friday, May 16, 2014

From the Mountains to the Ocean

What a wonderful month it has been!  I was privileged to join two different state organizations for
meetings/conventions. The Wyoming State Organization Leadership Training was held in Casper during the last weekend in April. Members from throughout the state met to share strategies for strengthening chapters and conduct the business of the organization.  These amazing women are ready to guide Wyoming DKG into the future.

I spent the first weekend in May with members of Massachusetts enjoying the sights of Plymouth and  celebrating DKG.  From authors sharing book excerpts to singers performing broadway music and business meetings to workshops, the weekend included something for everyone.  I look forward to reuniting with a new friend who plans to celebrate her fiftieth year of membership in Indianapolis at the 2014 International Convention. Will you join us there?

Friday, April 4, 2014

DKG and Girl Scouts - Empowering Young Women Leaders

Wow!  I was delighted to join Zeta Beta Chapter members in San Antonio, Texas, this week to award the first DKG-Girl Scout patches.  Almost a year ago we began talking about developing this relationship, and we will soon be ready to publish details about how your chapter can make a connection with a Girl Scout troop in your area.

The curriculum for this official council patch  allows girls to work with chapter members to develop leadership skills while exploring careers, developing an awareness of community and government, and investigating the history of both the Girl Scouts and DKG.  The activities can be customized for the chapter and community but follow the Society's seven Purposes. Look for more information in the DKGNews and at www.dkg.org.

Congratulations to the 33 members of the two Girl Scout troops and the members of Zeta Beta Chapter for this accomplishment.  I believe it is the beginning of something wonderful!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

DKG: From Generation to Generation

One of our Florida members, Alisa, recently shared that DKG has become a family tradition.  Her mother and her aunt have been very active in DKG for years.  Now, she and her cousin are members as well.  They plan to attend an international convention together soon. Realizing how special it must be that DKG is such a bond between the generations of women in one family, I  began wondering how we each could also "play it forward" as the saying goes.

As professional educators, we all recognize the opportunity we have to impact our worlds by our work with students, at whatever level that might be. However, we often forget the impact we can also have as we touch the lives of other educators. Have you noticed someone in your school or university who positively impacts the lives of students?  Perhaps you have recently found yourself thinking "why, she would be a wonderful candidate for membership!" If so, play it forward.  Membership in DKG is not only an honor but also an opportunity.  Share the gift of membership today.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Penny for Your Thoughts!

Google can track you with cookies and your phone keeps you on the map with GPS.  But DKG is proud to be personal and upfront - we are going to simply ask you for your thoughts! 

Tell us how we are doing and complete the Society Headquarters Survey . Take a few moments to complete a short survey regarding your experiences with Society Headquarters, the staff and the resources available to members. The link is also available on the home page of the Society website. We want to know how to better serve you!

If your chapter has not completed a chapter profile, that survey is still available, too!  After compiling member profiles on the chapter profile form, each chapter can enter the responses in the Chapter Profile Survey for Chapter Membership Chairs.  The link is also available on the home page of the Society website. Help us create a demographic profile of DKG! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Enjoy, Learn AND Get Credit!

Will you need credit for professional development this summer?  Are you struggling to schedule both time for professional growth and time to travel?

Think about attending the 2014 DKG International Convention in Indianapolis this summer. If you have not read Dr. Beverly Helms' blog about the convention workshops, read it at http://beverlyhelms.blogspot.com/.  A detailed list of the workshops and general sessions will be available soon on the DKG website and in the DKG News.

 By submitting your workshop choices for approval by your supervisor or director, you can enjoy the convention and receive professional credit!  Look for information on the website soon!