Don't miss out on the communication of important information! DKG is now emailing members regularly to keep you informed about events, opportunities and benefits of your membership. We send Focus on DKG: International Highlights to every member for whom we have an email address. Unfortunately, we do not have an email address for almost half of our members. And of those email addresses to which we send the Focus on DKG, approximately 10% are "undeliverable" due to server security programs or inaccuracies.
What can you do to "stay in the loop?"
- Sign in to the DKG Website and update your profile to include your correct email address and indicate your desire to receive DKG communications by email.
- Use a personal email address for DKG communications (many educational institutions do not accept ".org" emails) or "whitelist" the domain with your email server as "not spam."
- Be sure your state organization officers have your correct email so that you can receive communication from them as well.
- Read your DKGNews and, if you are a chapter president, your Presidents' Page. Share the information you learn with your chapter members.
- Visit frequently to stay up to date on DKG news and events.

Be informed. And spread the news!