Friday, April 4, 2014

DKG and Girl Scouts - Empowering Young Women Leaders

Wow!  I was delighted to join Zeta Beta Chapter members in San Antonio, Texas, this week to award the first DKG-Girl Scout patches.  Almost a year ago we began talking about developing this relationship, and we will soon be ready to publish details about how your chapter can make a connection with a Girl Scout troop in your area.

The curriculum for this official council patch  allows girls to work with chapter members to develop leadership skills while exploring careers, developing an awareness of community and government, and investigating the history of both the Girl Scouts and DKG.  The activities can be customized for the chapter and community but follow the Society's seven Purposes. Look for more information in the DKGNews and at

Congratulations to the 33 members of the two Girl Scout troops and the members of Zeta Beta Chapter for this accomplishment.  I believe it is the beginning of something wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Nita for your help and support throughout the process. It was a great
    experience for our chapter. I believe that this project unified our members.
    We look forward to working with other Girl Scout troops that want to earn the
    DKG Girl Scout patch. We also want to continue our relationship with the two
    current troops that allowed us to work with them. Blanche Delgado, President
    Zeta Beta
