Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Paying it Forward

I recently enjoyed a rare opportunity to return to my beginnings and say thank you.  My mentor and sponsor in DKG was installed last weekend as Tennessee State Organization President.  I surprised her at the convention and was thus given the opportunity to honor her and say thank you.  You see, she not only invited me to join this great association, but she continued to stand beside me and guide me along as I grew in DKG as a member, an educator, a women and a leader.

I almost did not go.  This is not a good time to take vacation - we are all busy preparing for regional conferences.  Money is tight right now for my family.  I could think of many reasons why I should stay in Austin. But my heart said go and I went. I am so very glad I did! What a wonderful privilege to have the opportunity to honor the woman who helped me become what I am today.

Do you have someone like that in your life?  If so, take the time to honor her or him.  But, for me now, the bigger question is:  for whom am I a mentor?  And to whom have I handed a rose at initiation and then never called again?  Reach forward to say thank you to the mentor who brought you to where you are and, then, return the kindness:
Reach back and bring someone else along.

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