If we are not moving forward on our journey in DKG, we will either stay where we are or go backward. So, perhaps the basic laws of motion will lead us all to agree that we want to move forward in our journey. The question, however, is
As a member of DKG, you have a voice - use it as effectively as possible. Talk to the leaders in your state organization about what you envision for the DKG of tomorrow. If you are an officer or chair in your state organization, bring those ideas to the international boards. The conversation has already begun, so take part - have a chapter discussion, participate in a poll, or Tweet about it!

Remember, however, your voice speaks loudest when you vote as a member at international conventions. At the 2016 International Convention in Nashville TN, your state organization president's votes on behalf of the members will elect the next International Administrative Board. Candidate nominations are due to the International Nominations Committee by October 15, 2015, and can be submitted by any member, even yourself! Recommend a member you feel is qualified to lead DKG forward. Inform your president how you would like her to vote when the slate is published.
And your most effective voice? The vote you cast when you attend convention in July where the
International Standing Rules will be amended. Amendment proposals are due by October 1 and come from any committee, chapter, state organization or member -
that's You! And then be present to vote again in 2018 (in Austin TX ) when the
Constitution is amended.
Make your plans to be in Nashville and be heard!
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